Everybody's favorite place to spam, get help, or just chat with friends. Hey, forget chatting with friends let's go spamming.
Anybody remember Tiax?? Well here's a link to his message boards, and there's No FLAMFLAMFLAM or flood control over there if you know what I mean. So drop by and say w00t.

Blackisle's #1 spammer has his own boards and he did a kickass job of designing them. So go there a post a little.
This is a very cool site with a lot of great portraits. It also has a tutorial on how to make your own portraits which is very simple and easy to understand.

Here is a cool site that custom makes clothes from the medieval time period. So should need something like that be sure to check this site out.
Custom clothes cool! When you go to either Xandar's or Tiax's boards you can really spice up your posts and choose your own custom avatars. Here's a site that will help you do that.
Cool Smilies 
